Since day 1 we own the boat, the sherwood water pump was leaking a bit, it was never the top issue but always something bothering me. In this article we are going to go through:
- Replacing the water pump
- Replacing one of the old cooling hose
- Touch up painting of the engine oil crankcase
It took few hours to go through this work, but everything was pretty straight forward.
Original state of Hotel Catalina
Here couple of pictures from June 2016, 2 weeks after we took delivery of Hotel Catalina.

Based on this pictures we can saw this leak has been there for a while by the rust we can see on the engine.
Time to fix this leak and give some love to the engine!
It has been now over 1 year we own the boat and it’s time to tackle this pump leaking and clean the rust on the engine block.
Here are few of the options to complete this task:
- get a rebuilt kit and fixing it (tried it, it was worse!)
- new sherwood pump (very expensive and not so much good feedback on the different forums)
- migrate (upgrade?) to Oberdorfer
- Replacing with an Oberdorfer pump that has the base that goes on with the same clip system as your Sherwood pump (more expensive, but more straight forward replacement)
- If you aren’t scared of, rework the base of the Oberdorfer bolt on pump so it bolts into the pump land on the engine (way cheaper, but a bit too involved in my mind)
After looking online I found a very good deal on the N202M-908 at pump and parts online. Let’s go with this solution!

Here is the invoice for the pump:
Replacing the elbow water pump hose
This step is unrelated to the water pump, but it was way easier to complete since the water pump was not in the way anymore.

New hose installed!
Now time to fill the radiator with new coolant! Last time was replaced was last year during the heat exchanger failure.
Now the hose has been replaced, let’s replace the water pump!
The service from was very good! Few days after the order I received the part as expected.

Now it’s time for some painting touch up
It’s the first time I try that, I decided to pick white to be able to see if any leak happens in the future. The result is pretty good looking. Next time I have a chance to remove the belt, I will definitely do more painting.
Pump installed and running!
Temperature is good!
Impeller replacement for my spare kit